Tuesday, November 4, 2014

School Uniforms

     School uniforms have always been an argued topic. There are pros and cons to having students wear school uniforms, though I am still unsure of where I fall in this debate. I have mixed feelings.
     There are some schools that enforce dress codes requiring students to wear uniforms. I like the idea of uniforms because it allows students to be on an equal "playing field." No one is ridiculed for wearing different, or weird clothing and it reduces potential peer pressure and bullying because it can give the students a sense of belonging or a sense of being socially accepted. Uniforms can also enhance school pride and a sense of community among the school, which is an idea that I like. Another potential benefit from wearing uniforms is that is can increase a student's safety. I know many don't really think of this when thinking about uniforms. However, if you have a school that enforces uniforms, it will be very easy to recognize someone that is coming into the building, or a potential intruder with the intent of causing harm. School uniforms would also allow students to focus more on their academics rather than what everyone else is wearing.
      I don't like the idea of school uniforms because of the simple fact that it does take away a student's right to dress and express him or herself any way he or she wants to. Using uniforms suggests conformity over individuality which is the opposite of what teachers and adults try to teach students. Children are always told to be their own person and to do whatever it is that they like, but using school uniforms takes away that choice.
   School uniforms are a controversial topic, and I think that I lean more towards the idea of school uniforms because they were never enforced for me at the schools I attended. If they were, I think I would dislike the idea if I was still in school and had to wear them, but where I'm not I can see the potential benefits of wearing them.