Thursday, September 11, 2014

Educational Technology: What Was My Experience as a K-12 Student?

     During my elementary school years I attended multiple elementary schools, each different in their own way. As a student I was never given a computer or a laptop individually to work on; however, I remember having a computer class. In this class we would learn the basics of computers, such as how to type on a keyboard or all of the different kinds of things we could actually do on a computer. I remember playing games, usually math related or reading related and I always enjoyed them. Back then, computer class seemed like it was a time where I could take a break from the classroom and the lessons we were learning that day.
     I attended a computer lab class during the three years I was in middle school as well, each year growing increasingly more difficult. The computers I used weren't state of the art computers but they worked, usually, and I enjoyed learning about different tools that I would be able to access in the future. I learned how to use Microsoft Office, such as Word, Excel, Powerpoint and more. I also gained knowledge about spreadsheets, functions, and other templates as well.
    In high school, it was all about databases and smart boards. During my time spent in the library, I would learn about the different databases I could access online. Mrs. Powers, BMHS' well-known "Database Queen", wonderfully explained where I would be able to find the information that I needed, how I would be able to focus on one specific piece of information, etc. She would repeatedly say, "Databases, databases, databases! They are your best friend." Back then I would roll my eyes, but she was totally right.
    Other than learning about where I could find my information, I also was able to use smart boards to visually see the lessons I was learning in a much more interactive and technology based way. In my high school the smart boards were typically located in the math classrooms only. In my opinion, I liked it better that way, even though other classroom teachers complained about not having the same kind of tools as others.
    As a future educator, I would like to be able to use technology in my classroom to further enhance my students' knowledge. I think computers, as well as other technologies, such as tablets, kindles, laptops, smart boards, etc. would be assets to the classroom and students could really benefit from them.

Monday, September 8, 2014

What Brought Me to SNHU?

     I began my college career last year as a freshman at Southern New Hampshire University. When touring the campus I immediately fell in love with the institution and the Education program. Now as a sophomore, I know that I made the right decision in continuing my education at SNHU. What drew me into the Education program, besides my love for children and learning, is the fact that students are given innumerable opportunities for field experience beginning their freshman year. I find that fantastic. I think that you can learn so much more when you're out in the field. Not only that but what's taught in the classroom guides students in the right direction when they are out in their field. 
     I am now in EDU 235 Learning with Technology as a required course for my major; however, I am interested in what will be taught this semester and how I can use that new found knowledge in the future and in the classroom