Tuesday, December 2, 2014

iPad Use in Classroom

     I just recently visited the kindergarten classroom where I am completing my field experience hours at, and during their math unit the students used iPads to review the numbers 0-10 for a test they will be taking in a few days. They used an art app where they could choose the color and size that they wanted to write with. There were different numbers, each with their own settings for designs and ways of writing; for this activity, they were using the setting 1 (just to doodle).
     The teacher went through each number and the students had to write the number that was said; when they wrote it correctly, they could doodle on the white pad until it was time for the next number. I thought this activity was great because it was a simple way for the teacher to see which children knew their numbers and which did not; this allowed for more review on certain numbers before the children had to take the test. I also really liked this activity because the class integrated technology into the lesson in an enjoyable but educational way. The children loved being able to doodle and draw on the iPad once they reached the right answer. This free time encouraged the students to try their best and write the correct number.
     This was the first time that I had seen all of the students in the classroom use a technological tool all at the same time; usually four students at a time would use the mini laptops during "Workboard." I both like and dislike the idea of integrating technology into the classroom. After the math lesson it was plain to see that technology is extremely beneficial to the students, but where I am more of a traditional learner, I am a little more hesitant with using technology in the classroom. Watching the children use the iPads in class for their math unit made me realize that they are only learning more from using technology during their class lessons, rather than not. As time goes on, I don't think I'll have a choice in the matter of using technology in the classroom at the rate technology is going at now, so becoming accustomed to it and becoming more openminded about using these devices now will only help me in the long run.

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